With ease and focus to more richness in movement
The goal of my work is to convey curiosity and joy in movement experiences to my clients.
I am always interested in how individual learning processes can succeed. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you on this.
Group lesson
The group lessons are about learning to learn. This means exploring in small, verbally guided steps where the flow of movement is disturbed and developing easier and more elegant possibilities from this. Each week I choose a different movement theme to open up new spaces for play.
Dates and venue
Always on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. as well as Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. at Hebammen Praxis Lebensraum,
Könneritzstr. 39, 04229 Leipzig
Prices and offers
Single participation: 13 €
10er card: 120 €
Individual lesson
In the individual lesson – also called functional integration – I specifically address personal issues and needs. Gently guided movements and touches direct your attention to your inner sense of movement. Together we build the foundation for your movement experiences in the group session.
Dates and venue
By arrangement at Hebammen Praxis Lebensraum,
Könneritzstr. 39, 04229 Leipzig
Prices and offers
Individual lesson: 70 €
10er group lesson card + 2 individual lessons: 250 €
Frequently asked questions
What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method is a body-based form of treatment that helps to fundamentally improve the quality of movements and postures. It is based on our unique ability to learn and discover new things at any time. Through verbally guided, but also guided movements, our nervous system is integrally trained and a profound development process is stimulated.
What do I need to bring with me?
Für die Teilnahme an einer Gruppenstunde sind keine Kenntnisse erforderlich. Der Einstieg ist jederzeit möglich. Die Gruppen sind für Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Konstitution geeignet.
What should I do when I have severe pain?
Bei schweren akuten Erkrankungen, sowie psychischen Störungen wenden Sie sich bitte vorher an mich. Wir können besprechen, ob diese Methode zu diesem Zeitpunkt für Sie geeignet ist. Die Feldenkrais-Methode ersetzt nicht den Besuch beim Arzt, wenn die Beschwerden es erfordern.
Can I come to the group lesson spontaneously?
Bitte melde Dich per Email oder telefonisch für die Kursteilnahme an, da die Teilnehmerzahl auf 8 Personen begrenzt ist. Bei weniger als 3 Anmeldung pro Kurs behalte ich mir vor, die Gruppen 24 Stunden vor Beginn bei den angemeldeten Teilnehmern persönlich abzusagen.
Why don't I feel any immediate effect?
Aenean facilisis facilisis nulla, non accumsan mauris gravida faucibus. Sed commodo laoreet erat, id elementum ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ac dignissim elit, sit amet sollicitudin eros. Cras facilisis neque nec dui dignissim congue. Vestibulum ac fringilla lorem. Nulla dignissim mollis consequat.